AlTin PVD Coating 

Aluminum Titanium Nitride (AlTiN) or Titanium Aluminum Nitride (TiAlN) is a thin film coating that was developed from Titanium Nitride. TiAlN offers higher temperature resistance than TiN, higher hardness and especially higher hardness at high temperatures. It is primarily used in high temperature environments above the limits of TiN coating.

AlTiN PVD coated  tool
Color Gold
Nano hardness 36-38 GPa
Coating thickness 1-4 µm
Coefficient of friction 0.5
Max. service temperature 700 °C

Universal high performance coatings

Monoblock (MB) and gradient (G): for stable cut
Multilayer (ML): for interrupted cut
%-Ratio Al/Ti:
AlTiN-ML: ³60/40
AlTiN-G: ³60/40
AlTiN-T (MB): ³60/40
AlTiN-C (MB): ³67/33



- with polished coating surface for gun drilling and reaming

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